宿雾, 薄荷岛 菲律宾 6 天 5 夜 (自由行行程) |
Cebu,Bohol Philippines 6 Days 5 Night |
兑换率:1 马币 (RM) = 11.7 菲律宾比索(PHP) |
1美元(USD)= 44.8菲律宾比索(PHP) |
去程:16/07/2015 AK 950 KLIA2 (10:40) -- Cebu (14:40)(Mactan-Cebu International Airport) |
回程:21/07/2015 AK 951 Cebu (15:05)(Mactan-Cebu International Airport)-- KLIA2 (18:55) |
行程建议: |
D1 16/07: KLIA2 -- Cebu (Stay: Cebu) |
D2 17/07: Cebu -- Bohol Bohol - Tagbiliran (Stay: Tagbiliran) |
D3 18/07: Bohol (Stay: Alona Beach) |
D4 19/07: Bohol (Stay: Alona Beach) |
D5 20/07: Bohol -- Cebu (Stay: Cebu) |
D6 21/07: Cebu -- KLIA2 |
第1天 (16/07/2015)星期四 |
去程:16/07/2015 AK 950 KLIA2 (10:40) -- Cebu (14:40)(Mactan-Cebu International Airport) |
入住:宿雾(CEBU) |
出境后,如果想买当地上网的Sim Card,推荐:GLOBE travelsurf(7天上网吃到饱) |
可以到Globe的档位,简单英文也可以通,只要跟他说7DAYS WIFI他就会帮你处理好(包含剪卡,设定) |
7天500 PESO网路吃到饱,还有150元可以打电话跟传简讯,有一组当地的手机號码。 |
当地的7天网路吃到饱是预付卡,卡片较大,需要剪卡。 |
另外一个公司是:Smart |
SMART的SIM卡(40P) 开通后 会有免费35则简讯 |
还有 他的网路3G吃到饱 是用传简讯的方式开通 |
要先买通话费加值 |
有分一天 一个礼拜 和一个月的吃到饱 |
一天50P,一个礼拜299P,一个礼拜299P |
如果要一个月 就先加值 1000P进去手机 |
然后手机拨 Unli999 到 211 |
交通信息: |
馬克坦机场 -- 宿雾(CEBU)市区 |
麦克坦岛的宿雾国际机场Mactan-Cebu Airport,机场很小,一下飞机直接步行就到入境大厅, |
办理完入境手续后拿行李就可以直接出关啦。不要在一楼打的,在菲律宾 黄色出租车比白色贵 |
一倍,所以请走过马路对面直上二楼,全部是白色的士,而且服务很好,等车有开单,上车打表, |
不打可以投诉有门。最低还价到200p去CEBU市区或一号码头,时间半小时。 |
白色出租车其实200P就能到码头了,不过司机一般会多要一点,砍价吧,不要超过250-300P就行. |
不堵车的话,大约是半小时。 |
You can get a white taxi by crossing the street after you exit the airport and going up the stairs to the right. |
How to Find the White (Regular) City Taxis |
Taxi (white) / City Taxis – 188 to 260 pesos [metered] variable |
1.When you get out of the domestic arrivals terminal, turn right and walk about 30 meters. |
You will see stairs (going up) on the other side of the driveway. Cross the driveway, climb the stairs. |
2.From the international arrivals terminal, it is similar – only you’ll have to walk about 100 meters |
to get to the stairs. |
到达宿务机场后出门左转,转过一个弯上一个小上坡,走上去后就是送达出租车的地点. 或者 |
(出机场走到对面的航站楼–向右走到这幢建筑的尽头–然后上梯,,白色的,一般都会打表。) |
Sampaguita Suites Plaza Garcia |
Contact Info: (47) 2529978, (02) 4044784, 09228830006, 09237222123, 09178328050, 09399080373 |
Location: Magallanes St., Cebu City (near Sto. Nino Basilica and Magellan's Cross) |
Website: www.sampaguitasuites.com |
It is located a few steps away from the historical Basilica de Sto. Nino, along Magallanes Street, |
fronting the MCWD office. 19 minutes drive by car from Mactan International Airport. |
Booking id: SSPG29594V |
Room(s): 1 Barkada Room |
We are total 4 person. We request 1 Double bed, another 2 single bed. if didn't have 2 single bed |
in a room, we don't mind 1 single bed and 1 extra single mattress. |
宿雾(CEBU)市区景点: |
A 区: |
1. Basilica del Sto. Nino Church 圣婴教堂 (门票:免费) |
2. The Magellan's Cross 麦哲伦十字架 (门票:免费) |
3. Islands Souvenirs 群岛纪念品 |
4. Sampaguita Suites Plaza Garcia |
5. Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral 宿雾城市大教堂 |
B 区: |
1. Fort San Petro 圣佩特罗堡 (门票:20P) |
2. Plaza Independencia 独立广场 (门票:免费) |
3. Malacanang Sa Sughu |
4. AA Sutukil Restaurant |
C 区: |
1. Cebu Cathedral |
2. Shamrock Pasalubong Center |
如果有时间可以去SM Mall 或 Ayala Mall逛逛。 |
SM City Cebu Mall对面有间出名的按摩店: Nuat Thai Massage |
這兩個MALL都在宿霧市區。搭乘計程車至SM及AYALA CENTER~視交通情況而定,約在150~200 PESO間 |
SM Mall (SM City Cebu),宿雾最新的购物中心,听说有四个足球场这样大,裡面也应有尽有, |
有空的话可以规划来逛逛 |
在SM外边的SM Travellers’ Lounge,在这里可以买去薄荷岛的船票,感觉票很充足,不需要提前预订。 |
Travellers' Lounge买了去Tagbilaran的船票,SuperCat的船票单程是500比索+50比索的服务费。 |
Main terminals for jeepneys are at Ayala, SM mall and along Colon Street. From there, you can reach |
almost all of Cebu city. |
There are other, older and smaller malls dotted all over the city, such as Country Mall, Robinson's Mall, |
e-Mall, Mango Square and Cebu Parkmall. |
Mango Avenue and Mango Square is where the bulk of the nightlife is located. |
Nuat Thai Massage Shop |
Gen Maxilom Ave (near Fuente Osmeña Circle), 6000 Cebu City, Cebu |
Fuente Osmeña Circle |
Any jeepney route that passes through any of the three streets that flow through it, especially those |
with signs that have "Jones" and/or "Capitol" on them. |
晚餐可以选择 AA BBQ |
San Roque 在Pier 1附近而已 |
或者在SM Cebu City Mall附近这家店烤乳猪店叫:CNT LECHON |
CNT Restaurant |
Address: Reclamation Area, In front of SM City Cebu / |
#1377 V. Rama Ave., Guadalupe, Cebu City |
Phone Number: (6332) 254-4249 / (6332) 254-6641 |
又或者去Jollibee |
第2天 (17/07/2015)星期五 |
入住:Tagbilaran - Bohol (塔比拉兰 - 薄荷岛) |
宿雾(CEBU)-- 薄荷岛 (Bohol - Tagbilaran的码头) |
宿雾码头到薄荷岛码头的航班时刻表及航行时间:(Bohol也叫做Tagbilaran) |
1号码头:http://www.oceanjet.net/ 时刻表及航行时间: 6:00 ,7:00, 8:00(单程:500P) 双程840P |
4号码头:http://www.supercat.com.ph/ 时刻表及航行时间:7:00, 8:45 (单程:500P) |
4号码头:http://www.weesamexpress.net/ 时刻表及航行时间:9:00 |
一般好多游客都会选择坐OceanJet,因为船班次较多 |
Ocean Jet |
On Date or Advance (单程船票价格) |
Php 500.00 (only for tourist class accommodation) |
Php 400.00 (only for open-air accommodation) |
On Date or Advanced (双程船票价格) |
Php 800.00 (for tourist class and open-air accommodation) |
1-8 days advance prior to departure |
Php 600.00 (For open-air accommodation only) |
OceanJet分为OpenAir(没空调,海风直接吹着),Tourist Class(有空调,有电视,空调很冷、 |
多穿一些)和Business Class(座位更宽敞,其实也没什么好的),价格差别不大。 |
现场去Pier 1买船票应该是没问题的,最好购买往返票(800P),会比单程票价更划算 |
1、乘坐快船全程行使时间为1小时45分钟。在一号码头可乘坐Ocean Jet,或四号码头可乘坐 |
SuperCat。pier1在独立广场 fort san pedro圣佩托碉堡过去一点 |
Weesam Express 有7:00的船 |
到Pier 1买好船票后,另外检票的时候还要交25P的税。然后Check In确定座位。在宿务码头还收了 |
我们每件行李50P-100P的托运费 |
Slim Pension House (Tagbilaran City) |
http://slimpensionhouse.com/rates/ |
Contact Person: Dr. Ma. Stella I. Lim or Ms. Cathy Ingles |
Address: 35 F.R. Ingles St., Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines |
Phone: (038) 412-4858, 412-5908. |
Cell #.: (+63) 9183194953 |
Email Address: slimpensionhouse@yahoo.com |
Room Rate: Deluxe Double room: 1050P (For 2 person, extra 2 person is 500P, total is 1550P per room) |
Breakfast for 2 Only (Room with hot water) |
It will take you approximately 10-15min from Tagbilaran Seaport to our place. You can ride a taxi |
or tricycle(good for 2-3). Since you are 4 in a group, you may ride 2 tricycles- 2 persons each vehicle. |
Tricycle fare is P15-20 each person, insist of paying the regular fare, don't agree for higher fares. |
Tagbilaran的码头 -- Tagbilaran市区 |
Tagbilaran 唯一的公交车站,在ISLAND CITY MALL旁边,离市中心有点距离,需要搭摩的(从酒店到 |
车站是20P/车),去薄荷各地的车均在此乘坐。 |
吉普尼(Jeepney)是菲律宾主要大众交通工具, 单程价格大概8P |
如要上车,只需努力挥手拦车,下车的话,要大喊“LUGAR LANG”让司机停车。 |
到达酒店,如果还不可以入住,先把行李寄宿。 |
Tagbilaran码头-》Tagbilaran市区 |
距离市区不远,可以坐Trycycle,很便宜。 |
市区坐车,可以在ICM MALL旁边(离市中心有点距离),Tagbilaran 唯一的公交车站。 |
去薄荷各地的车均在此乘坐。在公交车站坐车到ALONA BEACH,20P/人,45分钟, |
最后一班为下午4:30;回来坐摩托车200P。 |
Tagbilaran (塔比拉兰)包车陆地一日游 Countryside Tour:价格大概2000P - 2500P / 1车 |
(可以乘坐4人) |
包车公司: |
1. Bohol Car Van Rental |
http://www.boholcarvanrentals.com/rental-rates |
call or txt 09267103220 globe 09327942055 sun 09106123168 |
boholcarvanrentals@gmail.com or boholcarrental@yahoo.com |
Bohol Countryside Tour - 2000P (8 Hours) |
Panglao Tour - 1500P (5 Hours) |
Island Hoping Tour (Boat Rental) - 1500P |
Additional hours charge 250P per hours |
2. Bohol Speed Rental Car |
http://www.boholspeedrentacar.com/car-rental.php |
Email: boholspeedrentacar@yahoo.com |
mitch contact no: 09276307926 |
Bohol Countryside Tour - 2000P (8 Hours) |
3. Jay-R Orilla |
http://www.boholtourpackage.com/contact-us/ |
DOT Accredited Tour Driver |
Tagbilaran City, Bohol 6300, Philippines |
Email: r_orilla86@yahoo.com |
Mobile Nos: 09174362075 / 09297319734 |
Tel. No.: 63 38 412 5270 |
4. Bohol Travel Buddy |
Angelbert Tourist Transport Services |
Bert-Lilette Gacera - Operators |
http://www.boholtravelbuddy.com/btbmain/contact-us-2 |
景点一日游包车 |
这里讲下包车游,在Alona Beach附近的旅行社、或找Alona Beach揽客的当地人很容易找到司机, |
一般4-5人的话2000P,8人大车2800P左右,不包括门票。定一日游行程包门票,更贵。你可以和 |
司机协商 定几个景点,一般6-8个景点,最后还可以让司机送到ICM超市购物,或到蜜蜂农场用餐, |
总之到达想去的地方。 |
景点推荐: |
1. Chocolate Hills 巧克力山丘 门票:50P |
2. Python Snake / Big Snake 蟒蛇基地 门票:30P |
3. Blood Compact Site 血戰紀念碑 门票:免费 |
4. Loboc River Cruise + Loboc Floating Restaurant (Buffet) 罗博河漂流遊船+自助餐 门票:350P+100P |
建议去Laoy River Cruise而非 Loboc 遊河 |
5. Baclayon Church 巴克拉永教堂 门票:免费 |
6. Hanging Bridge near Loboc 竹子吊桥 门票:20P 吊桥那边,卖纪念品是最便宜的 |
7. Butterfly Sanctuary 蝴蝶園 门票:30P |
8. Bilar Man-Made Forest 人造森林 门票:免费 |
9. Tarsier Conservation Center 菲律宾眼镜猴保护区 门票:60P |
10. Loboc San Pedro Church/Museo De Loboc 圣佩德罗教堂 门票:免费 |
11. St. Joseph Cathedral |
12. Aproniana Souvenir Shop (Baclayon) |
行程上可以加去: Loboc Eco - Tourism Advanture Park 玩 Zip-lines (350P + 相片 200P) |
其他: |
Rice Terrace |
Batuan Shiphaus |
Loboc Eco-Adventure (canopy ride, P250 per person and zipline, P350 per person) |
Clarin Ancestral House (entrace fee, P10)Baclayon Church (free) |
Sagbayan Peak (30P) |
Note: If Sagbayan Peak be fully operational in the future, you can actually omit going to Carmen |
Viewing Deck and the Tarsier Conservation Center saving you on entrance fees. |
晚上可以逛逛 BQ MALL 或 ICM(Island City Mall)或 Plaza Marcela 购物商场 |
按摩: |
Nuat Thai Massage Parlor |
Celestino Gallares St |
Tagbilaran City |
C. Gallares Street (这个比较靠近Slim Pension) |
Tagbilaran City |
Thai Royale Spa Bohol****(靠近Slim Pension) |
Carlos P. Garcia Ave |
Tagbilaran City |
2nd flr Kim Seng Bldg | CPG Avenue, Tagbilaran City |
ThaiBody Massage - P150 / Hours |
第3天 (18/07/2015)星期六 |
入住:Panglao Island - Alona Beach (邦劳湾 - 阿罗那海滩) |
Paragayo Resort |
At Rona's Corner Tawala, Panglao Bohol 6340. (about 5mins walk from the beach) |
A short walk to the beach, this place is also reported to have nice clean rooms that are good value. |
It’s next door to a good restaurant (powder keg). |
Person contact: Ana Torrejos |
Tel. Nos. (038) 502-9172 (038) 502-4043 |
Smart #: 09187183316 |
Sun #: 09253020424 |
1 Family Room for 2 nights= 1,680 x 2 nights = P 3,360.00 |
1 extra person for 2 nights= 500 x 2 nights = 1,000.00 |
Total Room Payable for 2 nights = P 4,360.00 |
We have 1 Queen size bed and 1 Double bed. We will set up also additional mattress for the extra person. |
Panglao 邦劳湾岛包车半日或1日游:价格大概2000P - 2500P / 1车 (1日游) |
(可以乘坐4人) |
游玩后,请司机接送我们去Alona Beach ( 阿罗那海滩) |
从Tagbilaran (塔比拉兰)码头到Alona Beach 单程的车费在350-500P左右. |
Panglao Island 邦劳湾, Mag-Aso Falls, Punta Cruz Combo Tour |
Dauis Church in Dauis 门票:免费 |
Hinagdanan Cave (希纳达南洞穴) 门票:20P |
Bohol Bee Farm (保和蜜蜂農場 )门票:免费 |
Bohol Beach Club边上的沙滩。如果进入Bohol Beach Club需要500P/人。边上的沙滩交5P/人就可以了。 |
Walk on Alona White Sandy Beach 门票:免费 |
Nova Shell Museum 门票:20P |
Panglao Church & Watch Tower Punta Cruz at Maribojoc Bay 门票:免费 |
Mag-Aso Falls in Antequera 门票:20P |
Loon Church (view damage) |
Bohol Coco Farm, with Coco Sky Walk |
第4天 (19/07/2015)星期日 |
入住:Panglao Island - Alona Beach (邦劳湾 - 阿罗那海滩) |
包船出海价:1200P - 1500P/船,原则上不限时间,按照商定的行程走,无论时间、路程长短, |
价格都是统一的 |
跳岛半日游行程, 景点: |
1. 海豚观察(Dolphin Watching) |
2. 巴里卡萨岛浮潜 (Balicasag Island - Snokeling) |
3. 处女岛 / 原始岛(Pudtod Island / Virgin Island) |
小贴士:观察海豚一定要赶早出发,建议5点到5点半之间就出海,这样可以避开大批船队的 |
干扰,但相对而言光线会更差,会对拍摄造成不利影响,这其中的取舍就看各位自己斟酌了. |
租船出海跳岛游的路径,经典线路,船家一般就是这样安排。要讲价,砍价,约好集合上 |
船时间和地点。看海豚很早起床。要玩一天,带一些零食和水。巴黎卡萨岛上有简单的餐饮, |
烤鸡、烤鱼之类,米饭。巴黎卡萨岛的海沟浮潜,是最棒的地点,距离小岛海滩50米开外, |
海床陡然断裂,类似海沟,海鱼特别多,有手臂长的海鱼大量出没,很刺激!! |
费用不包含: 巴里卡萨岛浮潜 |
租用面镜: 100P/人 |
入岛费: 50/人 + 浮潜船: 200P/人 |
浮潜鞋: 50-100 P/人 |
看海龟是选择性自费项目: 200P/人 |
螃蟹舟:会载你去浮潜点,若对自己的体能有信心,也可以从岸边直接游过去 |
下午搭風帆船出海看夕陽(一船約500~700p) |
一般从Alona到Tagbilaran,大家会在两个地方下车,分別是National Museum(一般人都是住在这 |
条街上,如果要去住宿的地方,请在这裡下车)、 Island city mall(很多人来这裡购物,如果是购物或者是 |
转车的需求,可以在这裡下车) |
推荐:elephant blue 餐馆 - 冬阴功汤推荐,味道超好,比泰国的好喝 |
第5天 (20/07/2015)星期一 |
入住:宿雾(CEBU) |
Alona Beach (邦劳湾 - 阿罗那海滩)-- 薄荷岛 (Bohol - Tagbiliran的码头) |
乘坐出租车价格大概在600P (1辆可以坐4人) |
薄荷岛 (Bohol - Tagbiliran的码头)-- 宿雾Pier 1(CEBU) |
建议乘坐早上7:00的班程 |
Apple Tree Suites (Fuente Osmena) |
Fuente Osmena, 22 J. Llorente St, Cebu City, Cebu, Filipina |
(032) 2534236 or 09228216697(Sun); 09173078112(Globe); 09399398060(Smart) |
(Front Office) Caryl Llego-Retes |
Room Type: 1 Deluxe Room Php 1,498.00 with 1 Extra Bed php 250.00 |
Room rate includes free breakfast for 2 persons only, however |
an additional set breakfast php 75.00. |
Reservation No.: 6760 |
Room is WiFi ready. Bath towel, soap & shampoo are provided. Choose |
metered taxi and it will cost you around P70.00-80.00 pesos and |
approximately 15 minute drive. |
宿雾(Cebu)景点: |
Start from Mc Donald (Colon Street) |
1. Colon Street 哥伦路 (Colon Obelisk Cebu) |
2. 1730 Jesuit House 门票:免费 |
3. The Heritage of Cebu Monument 宿霧遺產紀念碑 门票:70P |
4. Yap-Sandiego Ancestral House ( in Parian District ) 门票:50P |
5. Casa Gorordo Museum 哥罗多博物馆 门票:70P |
The Jesuit House is inside a warehouse on a street perpendicular to the Cebu Monument. |
Nearby is the Yap Sandiego Ancestral House and under renovation Casa Gorordo Museum. |
you can ride 01K and drop by the Cebu Heritage Monument also. Or you can hire a taxi going there. |
Ask the driver to bring you to the 1730 Jesuit House or Ho Tong Hardware or at Cebu Heritage |
Monument. The place is Brgy. Parian. |
6. Cebu Taoist Temple 中国道观 门票:免费 |
从市区出发去 Cebu Taoist Temple ,出租车大概100P |
午餐可以考虑: |
Joven's Grill and Seafoods for our eat-all-you-can lunch - P230 per person |
G/F Cebu Long Se Bldg. Osmeña Blvd |
傍晚如果有时间的话,可以安排去Top's(Tops Lookout )看夜景 门票:100P |
Tops观景台在Mt Busay上,从那里可以看到动人的壮丽景观,尤其是在日出和日落的时候景色 |
最为壮观。观景台附近有小吃饮料摊。 |
坐吉普尼车可以到离观景台500米的地方,然后可步行前往。坐出租车来回则要900比索, |
还要付司机的门票。 |
Took taxi from Marco Polo hotel, 600 peso for round trip and driver waited an hour for return。 |
另外一个地方可以看夜景的是: |
Mountain View Nature's Park (从市区过去大概11KM) |
The general entrance is 50.00 pesos. |
Easy access by habal-habal at 50.00 pesos per head from JY Square. |
从旅馆走到【Gorordo Ave.】,这裡有家知名红酒酒吧【Wineshop】,在这条街上搭【4C】 |
Jeepney【8p】到【JY Square】,很多机车司机在此等着载遊客上山,一臺机车【100p】,入口处付 |
给警卫门票钱【50p】,然后必须步行20分钟上山。 |
Another option is to hire a taxi (quite expensive- 500 php). The more economical is to hire a habal-habal |
(motor) in JY Square at 100 php per motor good for 2 persons - one way. |
基本上着两个地方都在同一个区而已。 |
晚餐可以推荐去Zubuchon 或 Larsian BBQ 都在 Fuente Osmeña Circle 附近而已 |
One Mango Mall, Gen Maxilom Ave Cebu City, Cebu |
Larsian BBQ |
LOCATION: just near Robinson's Mall in Fuente Osmena, besides Chong Hua Hospital. It is very |
centrally located. |
Fuente Osmeña Circle 附近按摩推荐: |
Thai Boran Cebu - Affordable 24 hours Massage Spa Services |
Fuente Osmeña beside Crown Regency Hotel |
Contact Number: (032) 520–2368 / 0923-996-2122 |
We accept home and hotel service with additional 120 pesos within Fuente Osmeña, Colon and Capitol. |
1-Hour Massage |
Foot Massage: Php150.00 |
Back Massage: Php150.00 |
Thai Body Massage: Php150.00 |
Swedish Massage: Php250.00 |
2-Hour Massage |
C1 - Swedish and Foot Massage: Php350.00 |
C2 - Thai Body and Foot Massage: Php250.00 |
C3 - Back and Foot Massage: Php250.00 |
C4 - Thai Body and Back Massage: Php250.00 |
C5 - Swedish and Back Massage: Php350.00 and |
C6 - Unlimited Choice for 3hrs: Php500.00 |
另外一间分行Thai Boran Authentic Thai Massage |
Gorordo Ave, (Cebu, Philippines), Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines (附近Harolds Hotel,离Fuente远一点点) |
It's just beside Harolds Hotel along Gorordo |
Thai body massage or Foot massage P150/ Hours |
Combo promo is so affordable.. 2 hours for only 250.. |
Baan Khun Thai (在Apple Tree Suites 后面而已)(back of Rajah Park Hotel) |
Massage Studio and Spa |
K and J Building。J. Lorente St. (Cebu, Philippines), 6000 Cebu, Philippines |
+63 32 236 8952 |
Thewi Thai Massage (在Apple Tree Suites 前面而已) |
Massage Studio, Spa, and Nail Salon |
cor. J. Osmeña (Gen. Maxilom Avenue),J Llorente St. 6000 Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines |
Excellent full body Thai massage for only php200 |
Branch 1: J. Llorente St., Cebu City |
Branch 2: Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City |
G/F JESA ITC bldg. (formerly Century 21 bldg.) Mango Ave. Cebu City, 6000 |
6000 Cebu |
Nuat Thai (Gen. Maxilom Ave. Branch) |
Address: Gen. Maxilom Ave. (near Fuente Osmeña Circle) Cebu City |
Banyan Tree Spa (Mix) |
3rd Floor & Rooftop |
Rajah Park Hotel |
Fuente Osmena Circle |
Tel: +63-32 511 4903, +63-32 255 0332 |
Body Massage 1 Hours 15 minute P198, Foot Massage 1 Hours P150 |
Grand Royal Spa (Mix) |
Don Mariano Cui, Capitol Site, Cebu City, 6000, Cebu |
Yobi Relaxation Spa - Osmena Blvd. near Hi-Precision/253-1686/Php250.00(Near Apple Tree Suite) |
Penyu Wellness and Beauty Spa (Mix) 在Apple Tree Suites 往北走10分钟) |
Corner Avila and Zoza Street, Capital Site, Cebu City, Cebu |
Body And Sole Body Massage And Foot Spa (Osmena Blvd. 往南下) |
Ground Floor Suite 139 B. Raintree Mall, Fructuso Ramos Street |
第六天 (21/07/2015)星期二 |
回程:21/07/2015 AK 951 Cebu (15:05)(Mactan-Cebu International Airport)-- KLIA2 (18:55) |
宿雾(Cebu)景点: |
1. Carbon Market 卡邦市场 |
It isl located along M.C. Briones and Calderon Sts. It right behind Cebu City Hall. You can take jeepney |
and get off at carbon market. |
City Hall 旁边就是Carbon Market |
要去机场是,顺路可以停留参观: |
1. Lapu-Lapu Shrine 、Mactan Shrine 拉布拉布纪念碑(Free) |
2. Magellan Monument |
中午12:30退房去机场,大概13:00到达Mactan-Cebu International Airport。 |
计程车去机场大概200-300P |
宿雾国际机场离境税 Departure Tax / Terminal Fee = 700 - 750P |
宿雾, 薄荷岛 菲律宾 6 天 5 夜 (自由行行程)
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