
宿雾, 薄荷岛 菲律宾 6 天 5 夜 (自由行行程)

宿雾, 薄荷岛 菲律宾 6 天 5 夜 (自由行行程)
Cebu,Bohol  Philippines 6 Days 5 Night

兑换率:1 马币 (RM) = 11.7 菲律宾比索(PHP)
                  1美元(USD)= 44.8菲律宾比索(PHP)
去程:16/07/2015   AK 950  KLIA2 (10:40) --  Cebu (14:40)(Mactan-Cebu International Airport)
回程:21/07/2015   AK 951  Cebu (15:05)(Mactan-Cebu International Airport)--   KLIA2 (18:55)

D1 16/07: KLIA2 -- Cebu   (Stay: Cebu)
D2 17/07: Cebu -- Bohol   Bohol - Tagbiliran   (Stay: Tagbiliran)
D3 18/07: Bohol   (Stay: Alona Beach)
D4 19/07: Bohol   (Stay: Alona Beach)
D5 20/07: Bohol -- Cebu   (Stay: Cebu)
D6 21/07: Cebu -- KLIA2

第1天 (16/07/2015)星期四
去程:16/07/2015   AK 950  KLIA2 (10:40) --  Cebu (14:40)(Mactan-Cebu International Airport)

出境后,如果想买当地上网的Sim Card,推荐:GLOBE travelsurf(7天上网吃到饱)
可以到Globe的档位,简单英文也可以通,只要跟他说7DAYS WIFI他就会帮你处理好(包含剪卡,设定)
7天500 PESO网路吃到饱,还有150元可以打电话跟传简讯,有一组当地的手机號码。

SMART的SIM卡(40P) 开通后 会有免费35则简讯
还有 他的网路3G吃到饱 是用传简讯的方式开通
有分一天 一个礼拜 和一个月的吃到饱
如果要一个月 就先加值 1000P进去手机
然后手机拨 Unli999 到 211

馬克坦机场 -- 宿雾(CEBU)市区
麦克坦岛的宿雾国际机场Mactan-Cebu Airport,机场很小,一下飞机直接步行就到入境大厅,
办理完入境手续后拿行李就可以直接出关啦。不要在一楼打的,在菲律宾  黄色出租车比白色贵

You can get a white taxi by crossing the street after you exit the airport and going up the stairs to the right.

How to Find the White (Regular) City Taxis
Taxi (white) / City Taxis – 188 to 260 pesos [metered] variable
1.When you get out of the domestic arrivals terminal, turn right and walk about 30 meters. 
 You will see stairs (going up) on the other side of the driveway.  Cross the driveway, climb the stairs. 

2.From the international arrivals terminal, it is similar – only you’ll have to walk about 100 meters 
to get to the stairs.

 到达宿务机场后出门左转,转过一个弯上一个小上坡,走上去后就是送达出租车的地点. 或者

Sampaguita Suites Plaza Garcia
  Contact Info: (47) 2529978, (02) 4044784, 09228830006, 09237222123, 09178328050, 09399080373
   Location: Magallanes St., Cebu City (near Sto. Nino Basilica and Magellan's Cross)
   Website: www.sampaguitasuites.com
It is located a few steps away from the historical Basilica de Sto. Nino, along Magallanes Street, 
fronting the MCWD office. 19 minutes drive by car from Mactan International Airport.
Booking id: SSPG29594V
Room(s): 1 Barkada Room
We are total 4 person. We request 1 Double bed, another 2 single bed. if didn't have 2 single bed 
in a room, we don't mind 1 single bed and 1 extra single mattress.

A 区:
1. Basilica del Sto. Nino Church 圣婴教堂     (门票:免费)
2. The Magellan's Cross 麦哲伦十字架      (门票:免费)
3. Islands Souvenirs 群岛纪念品
4. Sampaguita Suites Plaza Garcia
5. Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral 宿雾城市大教堂

B 区:
1. Fort San Petro  圣佩特罗堡 (门票:20P)
2. Plaza Independencia  独立广场     (门票:免费)
3. Malacanang Sa Sughu
4. AA Sutukil Restaurant

C 区:
1. Cebu Cathedral
2. Shamrock Pasalubong Center

如果有时间可以去SM Mall 或 Ayala Mall逛逛。
SM City Cebu Mall对面有间出名的按摩店: Nuat Thai Massage
這兩個MALL都在宿霧市區。搭乘計程車至SM及AYALA CENTER~視交通情況而定,約在150~200 PESO間

SM Mall (SM City Cebu),宿雾最新的购物中心,听说有四个足球场这样大,裡面也应有尽有,
在SM外边的SM Travellers’ Lounge,在这里可以买去薄荷岛的船票,感觉票很充足,不需要提前预订。
Travellers' Lounge买了去Tagbilaran的船票,SuperCat的船票单程是500比索+50比索的服务费。
Main terminals for jeepneys are at Ayala, SM mall and along Colon Street. From there, you can reach 
almost all of Cebu city.

There are other, older and smaller malls dotted all over the city, such as Country Mall, Robinson's Mall, 
e-Mall, Mango Square and Cebu Parkmall.

Mango Avenue and Mango Square is where the bulk of the nightlife is located.
Nuat Thai Massage Shop
Gen Maxilom Ave (near Fuente Osmeña Circle), 6000 Cebu City, Cebu

Fuente Osmeña Circle
Any jeepney route that passes through any of the three streets that flow through it, especially those 
with signs that have "Jones" and/or "Capitol" on them.

晚餐可以选择 AA BBQ
San Roque 在Pier 1附近而已
或者在SM Cebu City Mall附近这家店烤乳猪店叫:CNT LECHON
CNT Restaurant
Address: Reclamation Area, In front of SM City Cebu    /
   #1377 V. Rama Ave., Guadalupe, Cebu City 
Phone Number: (6332) 254-4249 / (6332) 254-6641

第2天 (17/07/2015)星期五
入住:Tagbilaran - Bohol (塔比拉兰 -  薄荷岛)

宿雾(CEBU)-- 薄荷岛 (Bohol - Tagbilaran的码头)
1号码头:http://www.oceanjet.net/  时刻表及航行时间: 6:00 ,7:00, 8:00(单程:500P) 双程840P
4号码头:http://www.supercat.com.ph/     时刻表及航行时间:7:00, 8:45 (单程:500P)
4号码头:http://www.weesamexpress.net/         时刻表及航行时间:9:00

Ocean Jet
On Date or Advance (单程船票价格)
Php 500.00 (only for tourist class accommodation) 
Php 400.00 (only for open-air accommodation) 

On Date or Advanced (双程船票价格)
Php 800.00 (for tourist class and open-air accommodation) 
1-8 days advance prior to departure 
Php 600.00 (For open-air accommodation only) 

OceanJet分为OpenAir(没空调,海风直接吹着),Tourist Class(有空调,有电视,空调很冷、
多穿一些)和Business Class(座位更宽敞,其实也没什么好的),价格差别不大。
现场去Pier 1买船票应该是没问题的,最好购买往返票(800P),会比单程票价更划算

1、乘坐快船全程行使时间为1小时45分钟。在一号码头可乘坐Ocean Jet,或四号码头可乘坐
SuperCat。pier1在独立广场 fort san pedro圣佩托碉堡过去一点 
Weesam Express 有7:00的船

到Pier 1买好船票后,另外检票的时候还要交25P的税。然后Check In确定座位。在宿务码头还收了

Slim Pension House (Tagbilaran City)
Contact Person: Dr. Ma. Stella I. Lim or Ms. Cathy Ingles
Address: 35 F.R. Ingles St., Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines
Phone: (038) 412-4858, 412-5908.
Cell #.: (+63) 9183194953
Email Address: slimpensionhouse@yahoo.com
Room Rate: Deluxe Double room: 1050P (For 2 person, extra 2 person is 500P, total is 1550P per room)
Breakfast for 2 Only (Room with hot water)
It will take you approximately 10-15min from Tagbilaran Seaport to our place. You can ride a taxi
 or tricycle(good for 2-3). Since you are 4 in a group, you may ride 2 tricycles- 2 persons each vehicle.
Tricycle fare is P15-20 each person, insist of paying the regular fare, don't agree for higher fares.

Tagbilaran的码头 -- Tagbilaran市区
Tagbilaran 唯一的公交车站,在ISLAND CITY MALL旁边,离市中心有点距离,需要搭摩的(从酒店到

吉普尼(Jeepney)是菲律宾主要大众交通工具, 单程价格大概8P
如要上车,只需努力挥手拦车,下车的话,要大喊“LUGAR LANG”让司机停车。


市区坐车,可以在ICM MALL旁边(离市中心有点距离),Tagbilaran 唯一的公交车站。
去薄荷各地的车均在此乘坐。在公交车站坐车到ALONA BEACH,20P/人,45分钟,

Tagbilaran (塔比拉兰)包车陆地一日游 Countryside Tour:价格大概2000P - 2500P / 1车 

1. Bohol Car Van Rental
call or txt 09267103220 globe 09327942055 sun 09106123168 
boholcarvanrentals@gmail.com or boholcarrental@yahoo.com
Bohol  Countryside Tour - 2000P (8 Hours)
Panglao Tour - 1500P (5 Hours)
Island Hoping Tour (Boat Rental) - 1500P
Additional hours charge 250P per hours

2. Bohol Speed Rental Car
Email: boholspeedrentacar@yahoo.com
mitch contact no: 09276307926
Bohol  Countryside Tour - 2000P (8 Hours)

3. Jay-R Orilla
DOT Accredited Tour Driver
Tagbilaran City, Bohol 6300, Philippines
Email: r_orilla86@yahoo.com
Mobile Nos: 09174362075 / 09297319734
Tel. No.: 63 38 412 5270

4. Bohol Travel Buddy
Angelbert Tourist Transport Services
Bert-Lilette Gacera - Operators

这里讲下包车游,在Alona Beach附近的旅行社、或找Alona Beach揽客的当地人很容易找到司机,
司机协商 定几个景点,一般6-8个景点,最后还可以让司机送到ICM超市购物,或到蜜蜂农场用餐,

1. Chocolate Hills 巧克力山丘   门票:50P
2. Python Snake / Big Snake 蟒蛇基地    门票:30P
3. Blood Compact Site 血戰紀念碑    门票:免费
4. Loboc River Cruise + Loboc Floating Restaurant (Buffet) 罗博河漂流遊船+自助餐    门票:350P+100P
建议去Laoy River Cruise而非 Loboc 遊河
5. Baclayon Church 巴克拉永教堂      门票:免费
6. Hanging Bridge near Loboc 竹子吊桥    门票:20P      吊桥那边,卖纪念品是最便宜的
7. Butterfly Sanctuary 蝴蝶園    门票:30P
8. Bilar Man-Made Forest 人造森林      门票:免费
9. Tarsier Conservation Center 菲律宾眼镜猴保护区      门票:60P
10. Loboc San Pedro Church/Museo De Loboc 圣佩德罗教堂 门票:免费
11. St. Joseph Cathedral
12. Aproniana Souvenir Shop (Baclayon)

行程上可以加去: Loboc Eco  - Tourism Advanture Park 玩 Zip-lines (350P + 相片 200P)

Rice Terrace
Batuan Shiphaus 
Loboc Eco-Adventure (canopy ride, P250 per person and zipline, P350 per person)
Clarin Ancestral House (entrace fee, P10)Baclayon Church (free)
Sagbayan Peak (30P)
Note: If Sagbayan Peak be fully operational in the future, you can actually omit going to Carmen
 Viewing Deck and the Tarsier Conservation Center saving you on entrance fees.

晚上可以逛逛 BQ MALL 或 ICM(Island City Mall)或 Plaza Marcela 购物商场

Nuat Thai Massage Parlor
Celestino Gallares St
Tagbilaran City

C. Gallares Street (这个比较靠近Slim Pension)
Tagbilaran City

Thai Royale Spa Bohol****(靠近Slim Pension)
Carlos P. Garcia Ave
Tagbilaran City
2nd flr Kim Seng Bldg | CPG Avenue, Tagbilaran City
ThaiBody Massage - P150 / Hours

第3天 (18/07/2015)星期六
入住:Panglao Island - Alona Beach (邦劳湾 - 阿罗那海滩)

Paragayo Resort
At Rona's Corner Tawala, Panglao Bohol 6340. (about 5mins walk from the beach)
A short walk to the beach, this place is also reported to have nice clean rooms that are good value. 
It’s next door to a good restaurant (powder keg).
​Person contact: Ana Torrejos​
Tel. Nos. (038) 502-9172 (038) 502-4043
Smart #: 09187183316
Sun #: 09253020424
1 Family Room for 2 nights= 1,680 x 2 nights  = P 3,360.00
1 extra person for 2 nights= 500 x 2 nights      =    1,000.00​
​Total Room Payable for 2 nights = P 4,360.00​
We have 1 Queen size bed and 1 Double bed. We will set up also additional mattress for the extra person.

Panglao 邦劳湾岛包车半日或1日游:价格大概2000P - 2500P / 1车 (1日游)
游玩后,请司机接送我们去Alona Beach ( 阿罗那海滩)

从Tagbilaran (塔比拉兰)码头到Alona Beach 单程的车费在350-500P左右.

Panglao Island 邦劳湾, Mag-Aso Falls, Punta Cruz Combo Tour
Dauis Church in Dauis     门票:免费
Hinagdanan Cave  (希纳达南洞穴)    门票:20P
Bohol Bee Farm (保和蜜蜂農場 )门票:免费
Bohol Beach Club边上的沙滩。如果进入Bohol Beach Club需要500P/人。边上的沙滩交5P/人就可以了。
Walk on Alona White Sandy Beach     门票:免费
Nova Shell Museum     门票:20P
Panglao Church & Watch Tower Punta Cruz  at Maribojoc Bay      门票:免费
Mag-Aso Falls  in Antequera     门票:20P
Loon Church (view damage)
   Bohol Coco Farm, with Coco Sky Walk

第4天 (19/07/2015)星期日
入住:Panglao Island - Alona Beach (邦劳湾 - 阿罗那海滩)

包船出海价:1200P - 1500P/船,原则上不限时间,按照商定的行程走,无论时间、路程长短,

跳岛半日游行程, 景点:
1. 海豚观察(Dolphin Watching)
2. 巴里卡萨岛浮潜 (Balicasag Island - Snokeling)
3. 处女岛 / 原始岛(Pudtod Island / Virgin Island)


费用不包含: 巴里卡萨岛浮潜 
租用面镜: 100P/人
入岛费: 50/人 + 浮潜船: 200P/人
浮潜鞋: 50-100 P/人
看海龟是选择性自费项目: 200P/人


一般从Alona到Tagbilaran,大家会在两个地方下车,分別是National Museum(一般人都是住在这
条街上,如果要去住宿的地方,请在这裡下车)、 Island city mall(很多人来这裡购物,如果是购物或者是

推荐:elephant blue 餐馆 - 冬阴功汤推荐,味道超好,比泰国的好喝

第5天 (20/07/2015)星期一

Alona Beach (邦劳湾 - 阿罗那海滩)--  薄荷岛 (Bohol - Tagbiliran的码头)
乘坐出租车价格大概在600P (1辆可以坐4人)

薄荷岛 (Bohol - Tagbiliran的码头)-- 宿雾Pier 1(CEBU)

Apple Tree Suites (Fuente Osmena)
Fuente Osmena, 22 J. Llorente St, Cebu City, Cebu, Filipina
(032) 2534236 or 09228216697(Sun); 09173078112(Globe); 09399398060(Smart)
(Front Office) Caryl Llego-Retes
Room Type: 1 Deluxe Room Php 1,498.00 with 1 Extra Bed php 250.00
Room rate includes free breakfast for 2 persons only, however
an additional set breakfast php 75.00.
Reservation No.: 6760
Room is WiFi ready.  Bath towel, soap & shampoo are provided.  Choose
metered taxi and it will cost you around P70.00-80.00 pesos and
approximately 15 minute drive.

Start from Mc Donald (Colon Street)
1.  Colon Street  哥伦路 (Colon Obelisk Cebu)
2.  1730 Jesuit House       门票:免费
3.  The Heritage of Cebu Monument 宿霧遺產紀念碑     门票:70P
4.  Yap-Sandiego Ancestral House ( in Parian District )    门票:50P
5.  Casa Gorordo Museum  哥罗多博物馆     门票:70P
The Jesuit House is inside a warehouse on a street perpendicular to the Cebu Monument. 
Nearby is the Yap Sandiego Ancestral House and under renovation Casa Gorordo Museum.
you can ride 01K and drop by the Cebu Heritage Monument also. Or you can hire a taxi going there. 
Ask the driver to bring you to the 1730 Jesuit House or Ho Tong Hardware or at Cebu Heritage 
Monument. The place is Brgy. Parian.
6.  Cebu Taoist Temple  中国道观     门票:免费
从市区出发去 Cebu Taoist Temple  ,出租车大概100P

Joven's Grill and Seafoods for our eat-all-you-can lunch - P230 per person
G/F Cebu Long Se Bldg. Osmeña Blvd

傍晚如果有时间的话,可以安排去Top's(Tops Lookout )看夜景    门票:100P
Tops观景台在Mt Busay上,从那里可以看到动人的壮丽景观,尤其是在日出和日落的时候景色
Took taxi from Marco Polo hotel, 600 peso for round trip and driver waited an hour for return。

Mountain View Nature's Park (从市区过去大概11KM)
The general entrance is 50.00 pesos.
Easy access by habal-habal at 50.00 pesos per head from JY Square.
从旅馆走到【Gorordo Ave.】,这裡有家知名红酒酒吧【Wineshop】,在这条街上搭【4C】
Jeepney【8p】到【JY Square】,很多机车司机在此等着载遊客上山,一臺机车【100p】,入口处付
Another option is to hire a taxi (quite expensive- 500 php). The more economical is to hire a habal-habal
 (motor) in JY Square at 100 php per motor good for 2 persons - one way.


晚餐可以推荐去Zubuchon 或 Larsian BBQ 都在 Fuente Osmeña Circle 附近而已
One Mango Mall, Gen Maxilom Ave Cebu City, Cebu
Larsian BBQ 
LOCATION: just near Robinson's Mall in Fuente Osmena, besides Chong Hua Hospital. It is very 
centrally located.

 Fuente Osmeña Circle 附近按摩推荐:
Thai Boran Cebu - Affordable 24 hours Massage Spa Services
Fuente Osmeña beside Crown Regency Hotel
Contact Number: (032) 520–2368 / 0923-996-2122
We accept home and hotel service with additional 120 pesos within Fuente Osmeña, Colon and Capitol.
1-Hour Massage
Foot Massage: Php150.00
Back Massage: Php150.00
Thai Body Massage: Php150.00
Swedish Massage: Php250.00
2-Hour Massage
C1 - Swedish and Foot Massage: Php350.00
C2 - Thai Body and Foot Massage: Php250.00
C3 - Back and Foot Massage: Php250.00
C4 - Thai Body and Back Massage: Php250.00
C5 - Swedish and Back Massage: Php350.00 and
C6 - Unlimited Choice for 3hrs: Php500.00

另外一间分行Thai Boran Authentic Thai Massage
Gorordo Ave, (Cebu, Philippines), Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines (附近Harolds Hotel,离Fuente远一点点)
It's just beside Harolds Hotel along Gorordo
Thai body massage or Foot massage P150/ Hours
Combo promo is so affordable.. 2 hours for only 250..

Baan Khun Thai (在Apple Tree Suites 后面而已)(back of Rajah Park Hotel)
Massage Studio and Spa
K and J Building。J. Lorente St. (Cebu, Philippines), 6000 Cebu, Philippines
+63 32 236 8952

Thewi Thai Massage (在Apple Tree Suites 前面而已)
Massage Studio, Spa, and Nail Salon
cor. J. Osmeña (Gen. Maxilom Avenue),J Llorente St. 6000 Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines
Excellent full body Thai massage for only php200
Branch 1: J. Llorente St., Cebu City
Branch 2: Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City

G/F JESA ITC bldg. (formerly Century 21 bldg.) Mango Ave. Cebu City, 6000
6000 Cebu
Nuat Thai (Gen. Maxilom Ave. Branch)
Address: Gen. Maxilom Ave. (near Fuente Osmeña Circle) Cebu City

Banyan Tree Spa (Mix)
3rd Floor & Rooftop
Rajah Park Hotel
Fuente Osmena Circle
Tel: +63-32 511 4903, +63-32 255 0332
Body Massage 1 Hours 15 minute P198, Foot Massage 1 Hours P150

Grand Royal Spa (Mix)
Don Mariano Cui, Capitol Site, Cebu City, 6000, Cebu

Yobi Relaxation Spa - Osmena Blvd. near Hi-Precision/253-1686/Php250.00(Near Apple Tree Suite)

Penyu Wellness and Beauty Spa (Mix) 在Apple Tree Suites 往北走10分钟)
Corner Avila and Zoza Street, Capital Site, Cebu City, Cebu

Body And Sole Body Massage And Foot Spa (Osmena Blvd. 往南下)
Ground Floor Suite 139 B. Raintree Mall, Fructuso Ramos Street

第六天 (21/07/2015)星期二
回程:21/07/2015   AK 951  Cebu (15:05)(Mactan-Cebu International Airport)--   KLIA2 (18:55)

1.  Carbon Market 卡邦市场
It isl located along M.C. Briones and Calderon Sts. It right behind Cebu City Hall. You can take jeepney 
and get off at carbon market. 
City Hall 旁边就是Carbon Market

1. Lapu-Lapu Shrine 、Mactan Shrine   拉布拉布纪念碑(Free)
2. Magellan Monument

中午12:30退房去机场,大概13:00到达Mactan-Cebu International Airport。

宿雾国际机场离境税 Departure Tax / Terminal Fee = 700 - 750P

4 条评论:

  1. 請問如果我要去bohol beach club的沙灘你所說的邊上沙灘的酒店是甚麼名字啊? 可以走過去bohol beach club的沙灘嗎?

  2. 請問如果我要去bohol beach club的沙灘你所說的邊上沙灘的酒店是甚麼名字啊? 可以走過去bohol beach club的沙灘嗎?

  3. 请问这样的行程花费大约马币多少?

    1. 这个花费包括来回机票和所有的费用马币大概RM1000 (不包括按摩费)


台北 台中 台南 高雄 台湾 9 天 8 夜 22/03 - 30/03/2019 去程: 22/03 乘坐 Air Asia D7 350 从 K...